
Monday, November 1, 2010

Calculate manpower required for a project - Formulas In Excel - Microsoft Excel Tutorials

31.  Calculate manpower required for a project

The number of employees needed for a project has to be calculated. To do this, enter the available time (14 days) for the project in cell A2. Cell B2 contains the number of working hours per day (8.5). Cell C2 shows the current number of employees. Now we can calculate how many employees are needed to reduce the project duration or change the number of daily working hours of the employees.

To calculate the desired number of employees:

1. Enter different combinations of desired days in column A and daily working hours in column B.
2. Select cell E2 and insert the formula =A2*B2*C2 to calculate the total working hours of the project.
3. Select cells C4:C9 and type the following formula: =ROUNDUP(C$2*A$2*B$2/(A4*B4),0).
4. Press <-Ctrl+Enter->.
5. Select cells E4:E9 and type the following formula: =A4*B4*C4.
6. Press <-Ctrl+Enter->.

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