
Monday, November 1, 2010

Convert miles per hour to km per hour - Formulas In Excel - Microsoft Excel Tutorials

21.  Convert miles per hour to km per hour

A worksheet contains speed in miles per hour. To convert the data to kilometers per hour, use the following calculation.

To convert miles per hour to kilometers per hour:

1. In a worksheet, enter the data shown in Figure 1-21, or use your own data.
2. Select cell D1 and enter the conversion value 0.621371.
3. Select cells B2:B8 and type the following formula: =A2/$D$1.
4. Press <-Ctrl+Enter->.

Note: To convert the other way around, from kilometers per hour to miles per hour, use the formula =B2*$D$1.

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  1. Thank you for the tutorial. It really helps me a lot on how to do Microsoft Excel and the conversion process. Keep it up. Have a nice day.


  2. it gives me #DIV/0 error ..please help


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